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Web Development Setup Session Onboarding 

Below are some steps to prep you for the Web Development sessions. If you need help with any of these steps, please contact us before the session. Welcome to Frost STEAM Labs’ Coding Club! Below is the information for your coding sessions. Please ensure that the device that your student plans to use can be set up with the tools below.

Please attempt to use these tools at least two days before your sessions. Remember to sign in to Glitch and Zoom at least 15 minutes prior to your child’s coding session to ensure that there are no issues. Also, please ensure that laptops are charged or plugged in. 

Google Chrome Setup

Google Chrome is the recommended web browser for our coding sessions. It is provided for Chromebooks but can be downloaded on other devices.

Install Chrome on your computer 

  • Visit Google Chrome.

  • Select Download Chrome

  • Install Google Chrome on your computer once it is downloaded. 

Glitch Setup

We use Glitch to write code in our sessions. Creating an account will allow your student to save their work. 

  • Visit Glitch:

  • Select Create an Account in the upper right-hand corner and create your student’s account. Be sure to sign up with an account that your student has access to if you choose Facebook or Gmail. 

  • Keep the username and password handy for your child’s coding session.